Student leaders are needed for immersion experiences to help lead group meetings, organize fundraisers and to assist the staff leader while on the pilgrimage.


  • Must have participated in at least one Service Break Experience (SBE)
  • Mandatory attendance at all leadership meetings, retreats and follow-up programs
  • Conduct one office hour per week throughout the duration of the school year
  • Openness to and patience with other people, diverse opinions, faith/spirituality, group process and oneself
  • Maturity, sense of humor, and leadership skills including willingness to lead by example, and go-with-the-flow spirit


  • Work collaboratively with your staff/faculty advisor
  • Facilitate group meetings about the SBE destination, connection to the 4 pillars (justice, community, simplicity, and spirituality), Holy Cross charism, creating and leading experiences of prayer and reflection, logistics, and fundraising
  • Co-facilitate community building among your group members before, during and after the experience through icebreakers, reflections, and service
  • Communicate effectively with the Service Break Coordinator, staff advisor, service site and group members
  • Assist in planning the Opening Ceremony, Day of Service, retreat, reunion and follow-up programs


  • Leadership training and experience in organizing and leading an SBE immersion, group process, reflection, social analysis and fundraising
  • Opportunity to meet, collaborate and have fun with wonderful co-leaders, participants and others
  • The chance to play an integral role in making someone’s SBE experience fantastic
  • Discount off student cost


Please keep in mind the following commitments. In addition to these events, you will have weekly leader meetings in the fall and spring, individual group meetings, socials and fundraisers to attend.

´¡³Ü²µ³Ü²õ³ÙÌý Campus Ministry leadership training
September Assist in one information session
Assist in student interviews
°¿³¦³Ù´Ç²ú±ð°ùÌý Opening Ceremony
Miles for a Mission
±·´Ç±¹±ð³¾²ú±ð°ùÌý Day of Service
January Immersion
February ¸é±ð³Ù°ù±ð²¹³ÙÌý
March ASB Commissioning
Alternative Spring Break
April ASB Reunion
Assist in student leader interviews 
May Immersions
³§³Ü³¾³¾±ð°ùÌý Correspondence with coordinator

For more information on becoming a leader for a Service Break Experience, contact Liza Manjarrez or call 448-8534.