The School of Natural Sciences (NSCI) at ϲʿ's University encompasses the traditional natural sciences; computational sciences; clinical laboratory science; and bioinformatics, an interdisciplinary research area at the intersection of biology, mathematics, and computer science.

Reflecting the ϲʿ's Mission

Our Natural Science programs providein-depth knowledge of scientific fields while taking into consideration broader aspects of the liberal arts education—an emphasis on creativity, criticalthinkingand writing.

Hands-on Learning

Our curriculum also places a strong emphasis on collaborative, hands-on learning. Classwork and research are conducted in world-class classrooms, labs, and in the Wild Basin Creative Research Center. We formed theInstitute for Interdisciplinary Science (i4), an educational and professional framework that aids in building cross-sector partnerships and interdisciplinary collaborations through funding mechanisms for NSCI faculty and students.In addition, study abroad opportunities have been integrated into our programs so students can explore the world without extending their degree completion timelines.

Strategic Framework

The School of Natural Sciences is committed to establishing, sustaining, and fostering:

  • The integration of diversity throughout our community
  • An environment based on clear communication and transparency
  • A community of learners who embrace a growth mindset
  • Collaboration within and across disciplinary boundaries
  • A professional community that nimbly adapts

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