Meet your success coach!

At ϲʿ’s, you’ll have an entire success teamto help you personalize your college experience —classes, internships, leadership opportunities, study abroad and more. And it all starts with your success coach.

To help you get more acquainted with your success coach, we asked each of themto answer a few questions about themselves. See what they shared. And be sure to reach out to your coach at any time. You can email themto schedule a call or meeting. They’re always happy to hear from you!

For more specific information on who to contact for each academic program and/or population, please contact Academic Counseling & Exploration.

Success Coaches with The Bill Munday School of Business

Portrait of Claudia Briseno-Chavez

Claudia Briseno-Chavez, Associate Director and Success Coach


Best part about being a success coach:Helping students navigate their college experience and make the transition to our university a little less daunting.Favorite thing to do on the hilltop:Walking aroundcampus and looking at the architecture of the buildings and the beautiful grounds. It can be quite peaceful.Insider campus tip for students:Holy Cross Hall has great areas that are perfect for studying without too many distractions!One surprising tidbitabout me:I’ve always been terrified of deep water, but finally, at my age, am conquering my fear and learning how to swim.

Hannah Fields Success Coach

Hannah Fields, Success Coach

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Best part about being a success coach: Supporting students to achieve their own version of success, whatever that means to them, and making sure students know they never have to walk alone during their journey.Favorite thing to do on the hilltop: I love this beautiful campus! Some of my favorite things to do include watching the squirrels play on Sorin Oak, trying a new seasonal coffee from Jo's, or taking an afternoon stroll to look out at the Austin city skyline. Insider campus tip for students: A part-time job on campus isa great way to make additional connections, learn new skills, and ensure your working environment will be supportive of your educational goals. Don't know where to start? Career and Professional Development is a great resource! One surprising tidbit about me: I love animals! I grew up on a vegetable farm and at one point in time, my family had 60 chickens, 20 cats, 5 dogs, 2 goats, and a donkey. Today I have two cats of my own named Callie and KitKat!

Kyle Maddry

Kyle Maddry, Success Coach

EmailKyle or

Best part about being a success coach:Providing mentorship and empowering students to invest in their education and future.Favorite thing to do on the hilltop:I enjoy walking under the shade of the trees and observing the wildlife on campus. Occasionally, you may spot a red-shouldered hawk or a gray fox!Insider campus tip for students:Don't forget to take care of the nature surrounding campus! Take a moment to appreciate the natural world and pay close attention to the beauty found in the subtle details of your environment.One surprising tidbit about me:I began my college journey pursuing marine biology. Though my path led me to student affairs in higher education, I still hold a deep appreciation for the ocean and all marine life.

Success Coacheswith The School of Arts and Humanities

Joshua Urie Success Coach

Joshua Urie, Associate Director and Success Coach


Best part about being a success coach:Walking alongside students as you figure out what you want from your education, discovering where it can take you.Favorite thing to do on the hilltop:Walk around and take in the beauty of the campus.Insider campus tip for students:Find a specific place to study and keep it sacred.Whether it's a spot on campus, in your own home, or somewhere else utilize that spot for studying and studying only, so that you enter the right headspace even as you near it to begin.One surprising tidbitabout me:I've lived in six and a half states: California, Minnesota, Arizona, Illinois, Oregon, and Texas; the half is Washington because my parents moved there while I was in college and though I've spent a significant amount of time there, I haven't actually lived there.I also lived in Ecuador for just under ayear, but unfortunatelyI was a shy kid and didn't learn Spanish.

Cassidy Moore

Cassidy Moore, Success Coach


Best part about being a success coach:Helping students achieve their goals here on the hilltop! I love supporting students during their college journey and witnessing their achievements.Favorite thing to do on the hilltop:Finding a cozy spot outside to eat my lunch, listen to a good book, or have some great conversations with students.Insider campus tip for students:Getting involved on campus could be the best thing you ever do! ϲʿ’s has so many student organizations to join and events to attend. It’s a great way to find your people.One surprising tidbitabout me:I am a movie buff! M. Night Shyamalan, Jordan Peele, and Wes Anderson are some of my favorite directors.

Fernando Izaguirre

Fernando Izaguirre, Success Coach


Best part about being a success coach:Listening to student concerns and helping them develop a plan of action towards accomplishing their dreams and goals!Favorite thing to do on the hilltop:Seeing the Austin city skyline and attending sporting events.Insider campus tip for students:Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Apply for internships, join a club, make new friends, but more importantly enjoy your college experience at the hilltop!One surprising tidbitabout me:For five years I competed locally and nationally as a player in the Pokemon Trading Card Game. I'm also a huge Harry Potter fan. Go Hufflepuff!

Success Coaches with The School of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Roel Martinez Success Coach

Roel Martinez, Associate Director and Success Coach


Best part about being a success coach:Working with learners who want to step and leap into their future.Favorite thing to do on the hilltop:Walk around campus on my lunch break and talk to students away from the office.Insider campus tip for students:Jo’s Coffee in Doyle Hall (I call it “Secret Jo’s”) is a great place to have a quiet cup of coffee if you need a moment to yourself with caffeine involved.One surprising tidbitabout me:I have an affinity for analog writing tools — pencils and typewriters to sharpen, fix and use.

April B

April Buentello-Srock, Success Coach


Best part about being a success coach:Collaborating with faculty and staff to provide mission-driven services to all the students and families we serve.Favorite thing to do on the hilltop:Roam around campus and enter nostalgic spaces connected to my undergraduate and graduate years.Insider campus tip for students:Explore our beautiful campus and get to know it — and visit faculty and staff during office hours!One surprising tidbitabout me:I got to meet Gabby Rivera, one of my favorite writers and advocates, and the first Latina to write for Marvel Comics.

Portrait of Kyle Kaiser

Kyle Kaiser, Success Coach


Best part about being a success coach:Helping first-year students transition to college and learning about their academic goals.Favorite thing to do on the hilltop:Going for runs through campus — running in front of Main Building that overlooks downtown is awesome.Insider campus tip for students:Usethedifferentstudy spaces available around campus — you don’t just have to go to the library or study in your residence hall.One surprising tidbitabout me:I’m a fan of true crime podcasts.

Michael Rodgers

Michael Rodgers, Success Coach

EmailMichael or

Best part about being a success coach: I love having conversation with students and faculty/staff about the college experience and growing as individuals.Favorite thing to do on the hilltop:Taking walks around campus and going to the Recreation and Athletic Center (RAC).Insider campus tip for students:The earlier you park on campus - the better the parking spot! Also, the bright side of having early morning classes is that it often means free afternoons.One surprising tidbitabout me:I am afraid of heights but will still get on roller coasters without a second thought!

Amber Weir

Amber Weir, Success Coach

EmailAmber or

Best part about being a success coach:I love being a part of the ϲʿ's community. Everyone here is so welcoming, supportive and ultimately wants students to succeed in whatever their dreams or goals are for themselves. I'mthankful to get to be a part of students' journeys on their way to those goals/dreams!Favorite thing to do on the hilltop:I love getting Jo's coffee and walking around our beautiful campus!Insider campus tip for students:The view of the Austin skylinein front of the main building while looking over the soccer field is a great place to watch the sunset!One surprising tidbitabout me:I taught kindergarten/pre-k for three years (I have a great Friday song)!

Success Coacheswith The School of Natural Sciences

Portrait of Michael Kinsey

Michael Kinsey, Associate Director and Success Coach


Best part about being a success coach:I really enjoy working with all the student-athletes to help them plan and set goals for their time at ϲʿ’s and beyond, as well as occasionally cheering them on at their games!Favorite thing to do on the hilltop:Walk around campus and see what students are up to while drinking a hot cup of coffee.Insider campus tip for students:The best view on campus is from the third floor restrooms in Fleck Hall.One surprising tidbitabout me:It's not very surprising, but I used to play baseball and am a proud graduate of ϲʿ’s!

Rebecca Yeager Success Coach

Rebecca Yeager, Success Coach

EmailRebecca or

Best part about being a success coach:Helping students plan their future and pursue all of the opportunities that await them!Favorite thing to do on the hilltop:Drink a latte from Jo’s coffee and sit outside (in the shade) under one of the many beautiful trees on campus.Insider campus tip for students:Be sure to use all of the resources that ϲʿ’s has to offer to help you succeed, like office hours, the math lab, writing center, tutoring, the Health and Counseling Center, and many others. We all want to see you reach your full potential during your college experience!One surprising tidbitabout me:I love to listen to audiobooks and podcasts in my free time!

Austin Weaver

Austin Weaver, Success Coach


Best part about being a success coach:Helping students become the best version of themselves.Favorite thing to do on the hilltop:I really find walking around campus to be relaxing, comforting, and a great way to clear my head if I need some time to decompress.Insider campus tip for students:Being engaged is the best way to set yourself up for success. Finding a club or community to join can lead to wonderfulexperiences and lifelong friendships. It doesn't hurt that additional involvement always looks good on a resume, especially in a position of leadership!One surprising tidbitabout me:Before I worked at ϲʿs I was involved with Esports. I've been a professional player, twitch streamer, and college and professional coach.

Elvia Rodriguez, Success Coach

EmailElvia or

·Best part about being a success coach: Getting to serve and assist students through-out their journey here at the University. Creating a collaborative environment with students that encourages student growth and success.

·Favorite thing to do on the hilltop: Walking around this beautiful campus and looking at the Austin skyline while sipping my coffee!

·One surprising tidbit about you:I was in the military for a few years and am a first-generation college graduate. I absolutely love dogs and listen to podcasts every day.

Success Coach forCAMP Scholars

Gilbert Contreras

Gilbert Contreras, Success Coach

EmailGilbert or

Best part about being a success coach:I love interacting with students and the conversations that happen outside of my office that keep me updated on current events.Favorite thing to do on the hilltop:Taking time out of my day to walk around campus, enjoying the nature, view and people I encounter.Insider campus tip for students:Something fun is to take a blanket and sit on the hill in front of Main Building and admire the Austin skyline.One surprising tidbitabout me:It’s not a secret but I’m a diehard San Antonio Spurs fan. I’ve been going to games since 1986 — too many games to count.

Have general questions? Contact Academic Counseling &Exploration by phone at (512) 448-8660 or by email at