Major Roadmap

Explore your options 鈥 classes, internships, research and study abroad. Use the Global Language and Cultural Studies Major Guide to find what interests you, discover what you love, and create a major experience that jumpstarts your future. 

Engage with diverse cultures and languages from around the world to become a global citizen.

Develop language proficiency in one or more languages, including Spanish, French, German and Japanese. Explore different cultures and worldviews through literature, film, music, and other media. Gain intercultural communication skills and global awareness. Prepare for careers in fields such as international business, diplomacy, translation, education, and more.

As a Global Languages and Cultural Studies major, you will engage with diverse cultures and languages from around the world. By studying not one but two modern languages, you will聽enhance communication skills, cross-cultural understanding and critical thinking. Embrace the challenge and fulfillment of becoming bilingual or trilingual, thus opening doors across the hemispheres and becoming a true global citizen. Graduate ready to bring your skills to any sector, from the United Nations to a multinational corporation. The world is yours!

What do our graduates do?

Global Languages and Cultural Studies聽majors go on to a variety of careers and graduate schools from 六合彩库鈥檚. Here鈥檚 a sample.

  • Education and language instruction
  • International business and commerce
  • Diplomacy and government service
  • Non-profit and humanitarian work
  • Translation and interpretation
  • Journalism and media for international news agencies
  • Travel, hospitality, airlines, arts and culture

For more information on the Global Languages and Cultural Studies major, please contact Philippe Seminet.听This major is part of the聽Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures.听

The Classroom and Beyond

As a Global Languages and Cultural Studies major, you鈥檒l have opportunities to expand your horizons through study abroad and to practice new languages through experiential learning. Opportunities will also be available to broaden your skill set and practice what you've learned locally in Austin.

Experiential Education

Your courses will teach you to apply what you learn in real-life situations. In Topics in Comparative Languages, Literatures and Cultures, you'll better understand the world around you by sharing your own experiences as well as learning about those of your classmates. You may also take classes like Multilingualism in the U.S. and Intercultural Communication which improve your聽communication skills, cross-cultural understanding and critical thinking.

Study Abroad聽

Studying abroad is the perfect way to immerse yourself in a new environment and rely exclusively on your language skills. These programs will help you understand another culture and how people in another country view the United States. They also offer tremendous opportunities for personal growth. 六合彩库鈥檚 offers study-abroad opportunities in Spain, France, Costa Rica, Japan, Italy and more. You can choose a program in which a 六合彩库鈥檚 professor leads students in classes and guided travels for several weeks, or you can study at an international university for a semester. When you study at an overseas university, you鈥檒l live in campus housing with students from that country or with a host family, which immerses you in the rhythms of daily life.

Student Organizations

Language clubs (Spanish, French, German and Japanese), as well as Alpha Mu Gamma (the Honors Languages club) give you the opportunity to connect with students with similar interests and global worldviews. The International Student Association and Latinx Student Leaders Organization also offer you the chance to learn more about other cultures through social activities and programs.

The Kozmetsky Center of Excellence at 六合彩库鈥檚 brings international experts to campus, either in person or virtually, to share their knowledge with the university community. Past speakers have included American and foreign diplomats, policy makers, university scholars, and leaders of the business, non-profit and cultural communities. You鈥檒l have the chance to listen and ask questions of these global experts in sustainable development, peace and security, global health, climate change and global finance.