Core General Education Outcomes

In the fall of 2018, using input from a survey of ϲʿ's University faculty and a review of the general education requirement learning outcomes, the General Education Implementation Committee identified the following programmaticoutcomes for our core curriculum:

  • ​Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility
  • Communication (Oral, Written, and Visual)
  • Critical Thinking
  • Intercultural Knowledge and Competence
  • Problem Solving & Innovative Thinking
  • Ethical Reasoning

SEU defined the first five of theseoutcomes for our campus duringthe General Education Learning Outcomes discussion sessions on March 8, 2019. During these sessions and in work sessions that followed, faculty developed

General Education Requirement Student Learning Outcomes

Curriculum Committee and Academic Council haveapproved the student learning outcomes (SLOs) each of the general education curriculumrequirements.

Please click on the file below for SLOs for each general educationrequirement.